Start your IIoT journey: bring machine data to life through
visualized historical data dashboards 

Talk2m visualization allows you to make the most of machine data collected with an Ewon Flexy. It provides easy dashboards and reports.

This efficient way of starting an IIoT journey improves your data-driven decision making processes.

Available for all Talk2m pro users.


Already a Talk2m pro user?

TIP: Watch our explanatory video before you start!

Wanna see it in action?

Visualization Dashboard Interface

Level up your machine support with Talk2m visualization

Talk2M dashboards are easy to use


With Talk2m visualization, increase the ability of a small team of service technicians to manage a larger volume of machines!

Talk2M dashboards are focused on remote support


Customer support expectations are rising & machine downtime is unacceptable. Support machines before a problem occurs and keep satisfaction high!

Talk2M dashboards are scalable

scalable solution

Scalable IoT portal which adapts to the size and needs of any company. Requires only a small investment and eases the digitalization journey.

Talk2M dashboards provide automated reports


Distribute customized reports generated over any desired time period. Easily share insights with key stakeholders.

Dashboard Visualization - Map

Leverage data in increasingly larger machine fleets

As the number of deployed machines to be serviced increases, your service team needs a way to go beyond simple remote access. Talk2m visualization provides tools to manage fleets with small teams by leveraging valuable machine data. Machine health, data trends, notifications and reports are designed to save time and easily help you managing groups of machines. 

Support machines before users know they are broken

Technical support is often the most important factor for customer satisfaction and loyalty. Providing a high level of support at a low operational cost provides real value to customers. Talk2m visualization enables such advanced qualitative support. Notifications, which can be configured in relation to many aspects of a machine's operation and sent directly to support teams, help stop problems before they become critical.

Dashboard Visualization - Alarm
Dashboard Visualization - Map

Low financial risk, small investment for large gains

IoT is not a new concept but having a simple, ready-to-go solution that scales all the way down to a small business is. Talk2m visualization requires only a small investment and will ease your digitalization journey. This will also minimize the support necessary to onboard customers and lead to a more profitable product offering.

Provide required regulatory reports

Machine reporting can be a time-consuming task especially if it is not automated. Regulatory reports are a regular and known task and with the help of Talk2m visualization, they can be generated on machines easily with a single click of a button.

Dashboard Visualization - Report

Talk2m visualization: a sophisticated machine support solution
even at a small business level

* available for Talk2m pro accounts only

Not convinced yet ? 

The following explanatory video will walk you through your first time use of Talk2m visualization: