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The City of Port Orchard automates its water reservoir with Ewon Flexy

The American City of Port Orchard faced a major challenge : the communication lines to the water reservoir were cut. Industrial connectivity  has not only solved this problem, but also facilitated the overall management of water treatment.
“At first, I didn’t really think it would be useful for us because I did not understand what they could do. Now, I’m running multiple Flexy’s”
Mike DeLie - Public Works Electrician at City of Port Orchard
City of Port Orchard, WA (USA)


When communication with the Port Orchard water reservoir was cut off, the emergency had to be dealt with. City crews managed the pumps manually for several weeks. Then HMS Networks and the City of Port Orchard came up with a plan to automate operations.

Ewon Flexy delivers better-than-expected results

After discovering the potential of the Ewon Flexy, the town's technical department decided to fully embrace industrial connectivity.

Ewon Flexy not only boosted operational efficiency, but also demonstrated the potential of adaptative problem-solving  in utility management.


- Data capture in remote location

- Real-time notification of the need to activate or deactivate pumps remotely

- Complete system automation thanks to permanent remote control of water level in the reservoir