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Galvanizing plants kept precisely tuned thanks to the Ewon Flexy

Hasco-Thermic Ltd is a world leader in the design and manufacture of hot-dip galvanizing plant. Using the Ewon Flexy solution, Hasco can integrate communications between galvanizing plants, wherever they are in the world, and its own engineering offices, so that production can be optimized.
Using the HMS Networks Ewon Flexy enables Hasco-Thermic to collect process data from its galvanizer clients, which can then be analysed in real time to help cut energy consumption, reduce downtime and improve quality management.
Dr Xinyi Liu - R&D Manager
Hasco-Thermic Ltd

Traditionally, galvanizing is an energy intensive process. Hasco-Thermic relies on HMS Networks Ewon Flexy’s secure remote connectivity to support metal treatment companies cutting energy costs while also optimizing maintenance and quality.

Today, using the Ewon Flexy solution, it can integrate communications between galvanizing plants, wherever they are in the world, and its own engineering offices, so that production can be optimized. This improves customer service, reduces energy consumption, ensures quality and maximizes plant utilisation. It also enables Hasco’s skilled and experienced engineers to provide support to customers based on live process data.

Leveraging the Ewon Flexy to monitor galvanizing plants

Through a system based on the Ewon Flexy, Hasco is able to provide each client with a bespoke, comprehensive, remote connectivity solution designed around their hot-dip galvanizing operations. This allows each client to work seamlessly and confidentially with Hasco’s specialists to optimize production through real-time plant monitoring.

Data and event logging, as well as alarm management, are automatically uploaded to the client’s customized web-server web pages. This enables deep analysis, so that processes can be optimized over a long time the long term, plus archiving for historic event recall. SMS and e-mailing capabilities complete the package provided through Hasco Remote Solution


- The Flexy provides expert engineers with 24/7 remote access to galvanizing plants around the world

- Real-time management of energy consumption helps to optimize a critical process cos

- Secured data transfer between locations is kept confidential