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3G sunset & Ewon devices: Turn a threat into an opportunity

by Ewon by HMS Networks | Jul 26, 2023
To maintain seamless coverage, Ewon devices that do not support 4G need to be upgraded. We are committed to guiding you through this process!

While it may, in some cases, lead to connectivity challenges, the 3G sunset can be seen more as an opportunity for industry players! It will allow them to evaluate their technology infrastructure, enjoy faster and more reliable connectivity in the future, and globally upgrade their various devices to be future-proof. 

Specifically, to maintain consistent coverage, devices that do not support 4G need to be upgraded. Ewon wants to help you with this process to make the transition as smooth as possible. To do so, we suggest you follow the technical guide below that explains how to upgrade your Ewon devices.

How to upgrade an Ewon device from 3G to 4G


Read our 'Know How' guide!